Disabled Writers on Pitching
Disabled writers speak from experience with pitching advice for new writers, from the germ of an idea through distinguishing between a topic and a story and into writing a pitch that will grab an editor’s attention.
How I Balance My Career With My Mental Health
Nylah Burton on managing work-life balance as a mentally ill journalist, and finding her way through the freelance world.
How I Learned to Balance My Disability and My Art
Artist August Lamm writes on balancing the demands of being a working artist with a disability.
What I Learned About Freelancing In My First Two Years
Entering the field of journalism for Michael Baginski was challenging at first. Finding his way gave him confidence.
How Freelancing Helped Me Get My Life Back
Samantha Chavarria felt at sea as a newly disabled person…until someone opened a freelance writing door to her.
How An Internship Forced Me To Accept That Mental Illness Is a 'Real' Disability
Struggling with being “disabled enough,” Stephanie Swensrude examined her relationship with her mental illness.
How Challenging Internalized Ableism Helps Ground My Freelance Work
Internalized ableism can hold you back as a writer—until you learn to see it, and address it.
How My Chronic Illness Forced Me to Slow Down to Work Smart
Journalist Rachel Charlton-Dailey writes about learning to write with chronic illness.
Pop Culture Criticism: A How-To For Beginners
Cultural critic Anna Hamilton reviews their start in cultural criticism, with advice for others interested in breaking in.
5 Lessons From a Teenage Journalist
Fifteen-year-old journalist Anja K. Herrman has five tips for new writers.